Research areas
The research activities of the Institute are carried out within the framework of national and international funded projects (EU projects, Austrian Competence Center Program, Christian Doppler Laboratory, FFG projects, etc.) as well as in research cooperations with partners from industry, public authorities and other research institutions.
The following research areas have been set up to handle these research projects:

Working Process– Analysis and Simulation
The objective of the research area Working Process – Analysis and Simulation is to simulate the thermodynamics of the working process completely. This is achieved by developing and optimizing tools in the research areas listed below and then testing and applying them in cooperation with industrial partners. Work is being done to develop simulation models that predict the engine working cycle as re
The research activities of this area cover the design of engines, transmission units, engine peripherals and exhaust gas after-treatment systems for high-speed internal combustion engines. This also includes the conception of complete vehicles including their layout, simulation, design, prototyping and testing. Design and simulation of engine processes, engine area and engine related parts, as wel
Propulsion Systems
The targets and development foci for future propulsion systems strongly depend on the legal requirements concerning emission and consumption reduction. Approaches for their fulfillment reach from the optimization of existing SI and CI engines, advanced IC related concepts and fuels and their electrification via plug-in hybrids to battery-electric and fuel-cell propulsion systems.
The task of the research area is to investigate and deal with pollutant emissions and energy consumption from motor vehicles. Research activities include measurements on chassis dynamometers and engine test beds as well as testing with on-board measurement systems and developing and applying models that simulate the fuel consumption and emissions of motor vehicles with conventional and alternative
The research area “Thermodynamics” deals with thermodynamic questions of selected mechanical engineering topics. The field of activities includes the analysis of energetic and thermodynamic processes of reciprocating compressors and cooling cycles for domestic refrigeration or cycles for automotive waste heat recovery. This is carried out by simulation and measurement of heat balances, flow phe
Traffic and Environment
Objective of this research area is to investigate and manage the interrelated processes of emission and dispersion of airborne pollutants with an emphasis on recording traffic emissions and their dispersion in urban areas. The ambition is to investigate traffic emissions and air quality in order to develop the basis for a sustainable improvement of the quality of life. An additional focus is set