The task of the research area is to investigate and deal with pollutant emissions and energy consumption from motor vehicles. Research activities include measurements on chassis dynamometers and engine test beds as well as testing with on-board measurement systems and developing and applying models that simulate the fuel consumption and emissions of motor vehicles with conventional and alternative propulsion systems.

The software developed in this research area ranges from development tools for industry to emission inventories for cities and countries for the purpose of environmental monitoring.


Ao.Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Hausberger

Ao.Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Hausberger

Alexandra Stiermair

Alexandra Stiermair


Staff of the research department

Research Focus

  • Measurement of emissions and energy consumption of vehicles
    • Fuel consumption and CO2 emission
    • Regulated and non-regulated exhaust emissions
    • Brake wear and tyre wear
  • Detailed simulation of
  • Simulation of alternative propulsion systems (HEV, PHEV, REX, BEV.)
  • Development of test cycles from real world driving behaviour
  • Simulation of emissions for local, regional and global monitoring tasks.



The following measurement equipment is available:


Example of projects