The research activities of this area cover the design of engines, transmission units, engine peripherals and exhaust gas after-treatment systems for high-speed internal combustion engines. This also includes the conception of complete vehicles including their layout, simulation, design, prototyping and testing. Design and simulation of engine processes, engine area and engine related parts, as well as components like chassis and transmission are predominantly carried out in 3D by means of “virtual engineering”.
In coordination with industrial partners, development times have been significantly shortened and the quality of the results has been improved due to the consistent application of concurrent engineering. Measuring techniques and software are developed when necessary and present another important area of emphasis.
The research area Design also conducts the K-project ECO-PowerDrive 2, which aims at a reduction of regulated gaseous emissions and fuel consumption for small automotive and two-wheeler-applications as well as hand-held and garden equipment. This covers research on extremely downsized compression ignition engines, hybrid-powertrain concepts, spark ignition engines and alternative fuel applications with the main focus on real world operating conditions. It broadens the engine portfolio to smallest compression ignition engines and focuses especially on minimizing real drive emissions of the addressed engine applications.
Assoc .Prof. Dr. Roland Kirchberger

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- +4331687330150
DI Dr. Stephan Schmidt

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- +4331687330153
Mag. Claudia Melde

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- +4331687330151
Research focus
- CAx in vehicle and engine development (Virtual Engineering)
- 3D CAD layout, design
- CAD workshops in the automotive industry
- 1D/3D flow simulation
- Engine cycle simulation
- FE structural analysis, thermal analysis
- Vehicle simulation, mechanical analysis using MBS
- Acoustic modal analysis, vibration analysis, sound intensity, psychoacoustics
- Homologation: noise, exhaust, engine performance
- Development of conventional and novel combustion processes
- Friction analysis
- Two-wheeler chassis dynamometer
- Engine test benches with transient measuring equipment (ranging from 10 to 200kW braking power)
- Flow bench (swirl & tumble), acoustic box
- Friction test bench
- CVT power unit test bench
- 3-axis measuring machine
- Acoustic measurement equipment
- Steam test