The research area “Thermodynamics” deals with thermodynamic questions of selected mechanical engineering topics.
The field of activities includes the analysis of energetic and thermodynamic processes of reciprocating compressors and cooling cycles for domestic refrigeration or cycles for automotive waste heat recovery. This is carried out by simulation and measurement of heat balances, flow phenomena as well as heat and mass transfer using also proprietary software. Particular attention is paid to transient phenomena.
Another research area focuses on the thermal behavior and the thermal management of engines and vehicles. In this field research projects are conducted dealing for example with the modeling of the cooling circuit of internal combustion engines. Raimund Almbauer supports projects of the K2-Research Centre “Mobility” as a key researcher.
Ao.Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Raimund Almbauer

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- +4331687330230
Sabine Minarik

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- +4331687330231
Research focus
Hermetic piston compressors
- Gas flow including heat transfer
- Total energy balance
- Identification of thermodynamic potentials for efficiency improvements
Cooling cycle of appliances
- Transient simulation of domestic refrigeration cooling cycles
- Experimental investigation of components
- Thermodynamic analysis of control strategies
Thermal Management
- Waste heat recovery
- Thermodynamic validation of cycles and working media
- Air path modeling
- Calorimeter for household compressors
- Laser Doppler Vibrometry
- Software and Hardware (CFD 1D, 3D, IPSEpro)