HERO- Hydrogen Refueling Optimization

The goal of the project HERO is the development of a cost-efficient, optimized and safe hydrogen refueling station, which will also be developed for different use-cases and therefore help to represent a successful business case. The design and engineering of new dispenser systems and the optimization of existing refueling strategies will help to reduce the overall costs and increase the efficiency by maintaining the high safety standards. At the same time, the development and implementation of new cooling concepts will support the development of a reliable operation strategy for 350 and 700 bar refueling.

The research project is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG (funding program: "Zero Emission Mobility - 2nd call"). It started in May 2020 and will last 3 years. Several partners from science and industry are involved in the project, with the consortia lead being by Fronius International GmbH, based in Thalheim. The main contribution of the IVT is focused on the modelling of pipes and the cooling system.

Figure: Scheme H2 dispenser system (Source: ISO 19880-1 Gaseous hydrogen - Fueling stations - Part 2: Dispensers)