LEC Datachallenge
With the 2nd LEC Data Challenge, we would like to encourage data-enthusiastic students and practitioners from various disciplines to develop a model that determines the in-cylinder pressure curve of a large engine based on a corresponding signal from an accelerometer.
The top five participants will be invited to present their results on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, coinciding with the Sustainabilty in Mobilty, Transport and Power Generation Symposium, if the COVID panepidemic allows an on-site event. The three best solutions, selected by a jury of experts, will receive attractive prizes at the awards ceremony at the Graz Congress on the evening of September 22, 2021.
The LEC Data Challenge 2021 is supported by INNIO Jenbacher, KSengineers and LEC.
For more information, please visit www.lec.at/datachallenge.